Monday, March 24, 2008

The ABC of DirecTV Satellite TV

They have thirteen million homes tuning on a daily basis. Direct TV offer over 225 channels of digital programming for their viewers. These amounts of channels will definitely keep families entertained. With a study based on El Segundo in Southern California, Direct TV has been providing satellite TV programming to the public since the summer of 1994.

Since the beginning, Direct TV has already built up their system with seven satellites in geosynchronous orbit. This is how Direct TV is able to offer high quality TV to their subscribers. With the improvement of technology, satellite TV users have benefited the most because of the impact of digital compression.

Initially, digital compression technology was only able to let each satellite based transponder to process one channel resulting in only 25-31 channels being transponded per satellite. With this, cable TV companies were able to take advantage over satellite TV companies with the capability of providing more channels. However, this trend all changed in 1993.

Satellite TV started to have an edge over cable TV after the introduction of the first class DBS commercial satellite. After this satellite was launch, it really changed the way of TV entertainment. This new satellite contains 16 onboard radically polarized DBS Ku band transponders. This enables multi digital signals to transmit via the satellite. Each of these satellites can broadcast 120 watts per transponder.

This new technology has turned satellite TV programming as the best TV service for millions of home across North America at a very affordable cost. Before, satellite TV was only popular among a small quantity of viewers because it's expensive cost and few channels.

In 1994, a new 18 inch dish was introduced by Direct TV that provides wider choice in family programming, a feature that has made satellite TV so popular nowadays. This change to satellite TV began even in 1994 when satellite TV became a very popular product.

Then, Direct TV solidifies their position as one of the best satellite TV providers by launching their second satellite. This new satellite enabled Direct TV to provide over 150 channels. This amount of channels was a great edge over cable TV that was only able to offer 35 channels at most. Since then, Direct TV has never looked back to set new standards in broadcasting offering interactive programming, high definition, multicultural and DVD option to families.

Just in case you are looking for satellite TV deals, the online ordering process is pretty simple. All you need to do is to select the right retailer, place your order and schedule the convenient time for system installation, and wait home at the pre-set installation time. You will only need to fix your programming choices only when the system is fixed. You can always learn more about Dish Network, as well as DirecTV deals at Satellite TV Issue.

Article by Teddy.

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